The first part of Hosea records the tragic story of the prophet’s unhappy marital experiences. Hosea’s wife, Gomer, whom he married in good faith, proved to be an adulterous woman. Three children were born to her, but they were not Hosea’s. Because of Gomer’s unfaithfulness, the prophet divorced his wife and lived apart from her. Following her separation from the home, Gomer continued her adulterous life and eventually was scarcely different from an ordinary slave. But Hosea still loved her in spite of her unfaithfulness. To rescue her from her lovers, he sought her out and purchased her freedom.
I really enjoy the book of Hosea. I used to be really overwhelmed by the old testament, because I didn't understand it, because I didn't really "get" the relevance of it. Sometimes I still don't, but because of some very specific conversations I had in Mexico a year and a half ago there are parts of it that captivate me.
Hosea was a prophet, and the commentary goes on to say that they don't know if his marriage was real, or an analogy (which can get into the debate of whether the bible can be literally interpreted, which I SO don't even really want to get into, that debates exhausts me). Either's a great parallel to the unfaithfulness of God's people. In the old testament (and the new testament, and now) people are unfaithful to God. I am all the time as a matter of fact.
But when I read the above synopsis on the forum today (because of a Third Day reference that bears no mentioning here), specifically the last two sentences, I was stopped in my tracks and slapped across the face
But Hosea still loved her in spite of her unfaithfulness. To rescue her from her lovers, he sought her out and purchased her freedom.
Replace Hosea with God, and Gomer's role with us. Do you see it? Do you see that God loves us in spite of our unfaithfulness to Him. No matter how many times we push him away, try to hide from him, blatantly choose sin and separation from him he still loves us.
Who are our other lovers? How often do I choose my own damned road to walk down instead of patiently following God? How often do I try to manipulate who I am because I'm untrusting that who I am, who God made me to be is just enough for those it needs to be just enough for? How many times have I had to scramble to dig myself out of a mess that I created by not being faithful to God? How many beds have I crawled out of knowing that I was cheating, cheating not on a boyfriend or husband, but on God?
How uncool is it that I feel this way? But so much lately God has been working in my heart in the ways that I've been unfaithful to him. He's been pointing out here and there how I have continually turned my back to him and been disobedient. It is shattering me.
But I know that in those pieces, God is making a mosaic that will bring Him glory. I feel like that makes me the luckiest girl.
God has and continues to purchase our freedom through a relationship with Jesus. I mean, I feel like it's so obvious and that I've gotten it...but sometimes it just knocks me on my ass with the wonder of it all. God seeks us out. If it were just me, if it were just you, or you, or that person over there. If it were your closest friend and/or family member or your worst enemy, if it were that jerk that cut you off in traffic or the person that wounded you beyond repair. God sought all of them, and is seeking all of us. He is showing us again and again that he has purchased our freedom with Jesus on the cross.
Piece by piece I'm seeing the mosaic that God is making out of this shattered heart. It's the most exciting thing I've ever (and most likely will ever) be a part of, I mean it just blows my mind. That I get to play a part in this personally with my individual relationships is so great. But that I'm getting to play any part at all in building something that will last, that will grow into something so much bigger then me and my little world, that I'm getting to be part of that is amazing, energizing, and so many other words that don't do justice the excitement in my head.
Because of my unfaithfulness God is separated from me. But He has purchased my freedom with Jesus. He bought yours too, you just have to reach out and accept Him.