
I'll miss you most of all Scarecrow

I wrote that in a graduation letter to someone that didn't really like me that much at the time. When I was cleaning this weekend I found my diary from jr high-junior year. Oh it was deliciously dramatic.
I was flipping through the pages and kept seeing the same name pop up and realized that a good deal of that book had entries directly about or in relation to the same person. My dear friend Jake.
To spare us all the reliving of that time to sum it up would be that Jake and I were friends, then we were more, then we were way less then friends, then we were cautious friends, then we didn't talk, and now we're dear friends and I love him so very much.
The first entry in which he was named Jake approached the boy I was "dating" at the time and threatened to "kick his ass" if he hurt me in some way. I was aghast that he would have done that because he was this guy that I knew but didn't really know know at the time (ahhh high school). It continued through when he asked me to prom and I realized that he like liked me not just liked me (seriously, I wrote those ACTUAL words) I wrote about his mom not wanting us to date and how my sister and several grades of band geeks were intertwined in our drama in ways that only marching band members can be. I wrote (in detail) about "achoo bless you" and my 16 year old realization that putting people on pedestals is never wise. Falling from that pedestal doesn't only hurt the person that tumbles down, but the person that placed them up there in the first place.
I wrote of my completely irrational reaction to junk that had absolutely nothing to do with me, I wrote of the secrets I kept from him about another boy from another time and another part of my life. I wrote about the horrible way I pushed him aside for someone who turned out to be cruel and destructive. I wrote about the icy reception I received from someone I still loved so much and I wrote about the mistake it was quickly becoming apparent I had made.
I wrote about the things this other boy said and implied, the things that happened, the way the only person I really wanted to talk to about it was Jake because I remembered a Jake that told a boy once he would "kick his ass" if he ever hurt me, and this other boy hurt me. But I wrote about how I couldn't do that, because Jake wouldn't talk to me, my fault really.

As I was laying here, trying to fall asleep for the last several hours (curses!) and thinking about the good, bad, and ugly that happened between Jake and I, I kept thinking about those shared histories we have. Jake has a lot of my history, I have his. Everyday the words we say, the secrets we keep or reveal, the actions we take are creating a history with people we're in a relationship with. I have had at least 3 other diaries (although I call them journals now, because apparently that's more grown up) since then, and they're floating around here somewhere. I think about all those memories, and I think about the sweet spot of a friendship that Jake and I have now, albeit a long distance one since we're at opposite ends of the state...and I just think how much I love Jake, and I love that we're friends.


Anonymous said...

That the content of a graduation card can bring back such a flood of memories all at once is just astounding, isn't it? I don't really remember what I thought about the actual content of the card, to be honest. I do remember how I felt when you showed up at my party though. Shocked. Angry. All sorts of stuff. (I'm still amazed at the size of your balls for bringing Nicole with you!) I remember being shocked when your parents showed up, too. Then I realized that they had been a big part of my life for years before we became an "us" and that there was a lot of history there. They had the courage to ignore the caustic emotions between you and I, and did the right thing.

Good Lord, this is going to be another novel isn't it?

Okay, who's ass did I threaten to kick? I'm thinking it must have been Kevin or Drucky, but I don't remember.

I only vaguely remember asking you to prom, but I think that is probably one of the few times in my life I did things the "old fashioned way". It was like something out of "Leave It To Beaver"!!! *sigh*

I still don't remember my mom interfering, but I'm so not surprised.

I do remember how crushed I was when you came back from France though. I felt like such a heel that whole afternoon. I really thought I had "lost" you to that other guy, if had ever really had you at all. So I was stuck riding in the car and eating dinner with you going on and on to Nicole and your parents... Wow. See, trigger one memory and you get a whole bunch more.

The "Sneeze Incident" at Miranda's is so funny to me now. If we can hear her, that means she can hear us........
I still feel like a fool for that whole day.

It's kind of funny (scary funny, not ha ha funny) to look back at the depression that trigger the downhill slide for us and realize just how long I've been cycling through this. Bit sobering, actually.

One of my fondest memories is the Valentines Day we spent at Tiff's house. Forget the argument in the car (you scared the shit out of me), and yes, forget the thing that happened after. I had absolutely horrible timing, I know. It wouldn't have worked, obviously, but I really did mean what I said. I realize now how naive I was, but you were my world then, and I wanted to take you away and protect you.

I'm not a fighter, really. I talk a mean game from time to time, but the follow through is not-so-much. I probably never would have challenged the other guy to a fist fight, but I certainly would have gone out of my way to cause him pain at any time. It's not helpful to say it in retrospect, but I really didn't like him from day one. Not just because he was my "competition", but he really rubbed me the wrong way.

I'm so glad that we managed to come through it all the way that we did. You're the one person I can go to with absolutely anything and I wouldn't trade that for the world. You make my heart smile.

I love you, too.

ellenjane said...

It was Kevin Silva :)
Also, my balls weren't big for bringing Nicole, they were small. Nicole was my security blanket and my mouth piece when I was scared, and I was always scared about how badly I hurt you and how deep the loss of you cut me.

You know what else I remember, and found someting about? You and I hiding in the basement bathroom b/c of the bikini incidents. I found the note you wrote on a newspaper that said, "I'm not coming out until the tall man leaves" (Meaning my dad) lol

Anonymous said...

laughing my ass off....