
Good Things: April

April 1 No one pranked me today

April 2 Mario Kart

April 3 Today was a terrible day. Bourbon made it better

April 4 Family night, this time at my house

April 5 Jurassic Park 3D

April 6 Amber, Pete and Stacey time

April 7 Shoulden and his shoulder reducing surgery

April 8 "Well we know it won't be in the share drive"

April 9 Therapy. GOD BLESS THERAPY

April 10 Picked up my new TV

April 11 I know she hates it, but the things I feel compelled to tell her are all of the things I wish someone would have told me when I was 15 and thinking/feeling similar things to her.

April 12 Final Small Group at Claires

April 13 So many good things with Stacey and Amber

April 14 Lazy morning and lunch with Pete and his family

April 15 Cable gorging at the dogsitting house

April 16 JOSH GARRELS IN CONCERT! 2nd row!

April 17 Belly pets with Jack

April 18 I yelled at a kid in Chick Fil A, this means I'm going to hell right?

April 19 Pete time at the dog sitting house

April 20 Bought a GIANT dog for Matthew

April 21 HOME, sleeping in my own bed!

April 22 Encouraging words and secret things

April 23 Breaking up cat fights, like a BOSS (literally cats)

April 24 Didn't think about it too much, except in the time between laying down and sleep

April 25 Cough syrup is my new best friend, especially when Pete goes to get it so I don't have to put a bra back on (you're welcome)

April 26 Happy Birthday, Pete and heading north to see my boys! Now with 100% more Laine and reversible ceiling fans!

April 27 The Melt, inappropriate hand sanitizers & more quality time with my boys

April 28 Oh look, God chases me all the way to Cleveland just to remind me that He does in fact make ALL things new.

April 29 No work! Road trip and shopping with Pete! New red shoes which I LOVE

April 30 I would settle for a spoon & a nice evening with Sharen & Matthew at my house

1 comment:

James said...

I am very interested in the story of yelling at a kid in Chick-Fil-A. Details! I want details!