July 1 Cleveland! Road Trip Dance Party complete with air xylephones!
July 2 Most relaxing day I've had in a long time, and pool time!
July 3 Nice time meeting friends of friends and lots of laughter at lunch...then....POOL TIME
July 4 It's nice to stay out of town, but it's lovely to come back. Sleeping in my own bed was my favorite
July 5 I bought a pool, ok...technically I bought 2, but one is being returned because of missing parts
July 6 First swim in the pool!
July 7 2nd swim in the pool!
July 8 Met with the next leaders of WP and kept hearing the phrase "for such a time as this" echoing in my heart. Love when God does that.
July 9 4 hours in the pool! Most of it with Sharen and the kids. The sunburn was totally worth it.
July 10 Pool time and chatting with Amber. I really like her a lot. Also, finished my bedroom and put it all back together!
July 11 Woke up after sleeping for almost 10 hours and I was still exhausted. I blame the sunburn
July 12 Started watching Friday Night Lights, already cried 3 times.
July 13 Speaking of crying, today was cry number 1 of the kitchen remodel (and it hasn't even started yet)
July 14 Harry Potter premier!
July 15 Harry Potter premier started at 12:01, so it counts for today too
July 16 Harry Potter a 2nd time and lounging at the dogsitting house
July 17 I actually got to sit in church today! Also, lunch with Sharen and Matthew
July 18 Washington Project meetings are my favorite. I wonder if they'll let me crash after I'm done...
July 19 Girlfriends Night Out!
July 20 I yelled at my therapist today, and she said she understood
July 21 I felt really lucky to be in an air conditioned house today
July 22 I came home and did nothing today, nothing but read and go to bed early
July 23 3 movies and a book were devoured today, it was lovely
July 24 Had a great Sunday nap
July 25 People asking about birthday plans reassures me they won't forget (because honestly I'm scared people will forget)
July 26 Birthday Eve!
July 27 Happy Birthday to me! 32, yeesh
July 28 Birthday hangover, LOTS to do at home and work. No rest for the weary
July 29 The calm before the remodel storm
July 30 Let the kitchen remodel begin!
July 31 $75 worth of stuff for $20 out of pocket at Charming Charlies!
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