
Such a Time as This

The book of Esther is about this young Jewish woman that marries the Persian King. She was placed in the position at the same time that a man in the court (maybe a prince) was rising to power and was given an unusually large amount of power from the king.
She struggled with the position she was in. She was frightened and overwhelmed at times. But her cousin said to her that she was in a position to save her people. Save the Jews of her time from this man in court that was given so much power.
The 2nd part of chapter 4 verse 14 reads:
...And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this? Esther 4:14
Not that I'm about to marry a king or anything, nor am I about to be able to save an entire race of people either...but the phrase for such a time as this just won't leave my head.

I was talking to the women that are taking over leading Washington Project this fall and while we chatted it got even louder.
So I told them that I believed that God had called them to lead this ministry at such a time as this. Just like he has called me to rest and follow for such a time as this.
God's timing is perfect, even if we don't understand the timing this side of Heaven.

It all sounds so Pollyana-esque I know. Because it certainly doesn't make me feel any better when people die, friendships end/shift/change, months are long and budgets are short.

But I keep hearing this whisper of how all of this is coming together for such a time as this. The excavating of my wounds and the patching of my scars may cause nightmares, but I'm reminded that they are simply the infection of abuse being worked out of my heart.
I go back and forth missing WP so terribly (even though I'm not completely out of it yet) and longing for the time that I'm done completely with it. Because I don't want to miss a thing. I believe so strongly in what WP does and the way that people drift around believing they're invisible and not knowing there is a real God that sees them.

Yet I talk to these women that are transitioning in and I realize that all of this is according to God's timing. These ladies are primed and ready to roll. They are passionate about letting people know about God and caring for them. It's really amazing to see them grow bolder and more confident in their calling and such a pleasure to have been a part of it.

Because God has called me to rest at such a time as this, and I know there is more to come in the future. I need to be primed and ready to run, and I know that rest is a key part of that.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Darn you and your wise words! *shakesfist* (Thanks, I needed to hear them.)