
Good Things: November

November 1st- Had a lot of grown up conversations and a whole lot of awkward moments today. Giggled about them with my roomie after work which was awesome.

November 2nd- Great conversations with Claire. The speeding ticket I could have done without but what can you do? Oh, right...SLOW DOWN...

November 3rd- Finally got a little more caught up at work and had a chance to work on my ACTUAL job for a few hours instead of everyone elses. Also, cleaning a little at home, HP: POA and Modern Family. I am also working on incorporating "Wow. It's like the passive aggressive Olympics in here" into my everyday vocab.

November 4th- Today was a blur of work and spinning wheels. But then there was breakfast for dinner!

November 5th- First day of dog sitting in the serial killer neighborhood.Pretty much super terrifying. Hopefully I'll survive to finish this good things post...

November 6th- Bought a huge (for me) TV this morning then after putting in some work did nothing but watch Arrested Development for the rest of the night.

November 7th- Great message at church where I was again reminded that I can say something is true or not true but not live like it. Man, God is RELENTLESS sometimes.

November 8t- Was told I make someone proud tonight. Also, encouraged to share my heart and felt confirmed in some leadership stuff.

November 9th- I was mostly productive today at work, which is greatly needed because even the slightest slow down puts me waaaaaay behind again.

November 10th- I felt overwhelmed and behind at work, I stepped in a puddle of dog pee, I woke up to a loud thud and what sounded like footsteps and couldn't go back to sleep for hours in the middle of the night...all in all it wasn't a great day. But I did finish a book which was good.

November 11th- Finally felt like I got a grasp on my work load, also 30 Rock was hilarious

November 12th- Slap happy day, dinner and a movie at the dog sitting house with the rommie and knowing that I get to sleep in tomorrow is AWESOME

November 13th- Cyclones game with work, it was a lot of fun and I even followed the game. Also fun, when I said, "They should totally have synchronized ice skating or something." and then I realized they did....it's called figure skating.

November 14th- Michelle's last day with Washington Project. She wrote a nice card saying nice things.

November 15th- Last sleep at the dog sitting house, I've never been more ready to be home!

November 16th- Happy Birthday Nicole Marie! You're my favorite Wetoskey! See also, I got tickets to a FREE screening on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 3 days early! It was double rainbow intense.

November 17th- I kind of had an excitement hangover today. But I also spent the evening on the couch catching up on DVr with roomie.

November 18th- Helped with my niece's social studies homework, briefly missed filling out worksheets for homework, thank I came to my senses....

November 19th- Jewelry party at Brenna's with Sharen. Bought a cute ring and laughed a lot. Then home for more drinks with Pete and his sister, lots of fun!

November 20th- Harry Potter again! Also bought some super cute shoes for me and slippers for Matthew

November 21st- I played football and soccer for outreach today. It was amazing and I said all sorts of awkward things about sports (like, "Ok footballers who is the catcher?")

November 22nd- Washington Project leadership team meetings are my favorite night of the month

November 23rd- I didn't feel well today, but I still cleaned the kitchen! Also, 2 hour nap after work with a kitty snuggling by my upset tummy

November 24th- Long, wet and dark drive home. But Harry kept me company and then I ate some yogurt that seems to have fixed my tummy issues. Just in time for Thanksgiving!

November 25th- Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. See also, NO BUFFETS ALLOWED!

November 26th- GLOVES! I've been looking for these certain type of gloves for 12 years! And I found them, in the Toledo Zoo gift shop of all places!

November 27th- The China for dinner. I love me some egg rolls from The China. See also, hot tubbing with Nicole and then a nice quick  but deep nap.

November 28th- Home. HOME! Alias marathon with roomie and clean sheet night

November 29th- First day of 5 week days in a row with NOTHING scheduled after work. It's GLORIOUS

November 30th- Wearing a new fleece today. It fits my waist AND is long enough for my gorilla arms that it actually falls at or below my wrists instead of 3/4 of the way up my arm!

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