
All Within Me Feels Dry

It seems I'm coming out of a season where I felt really very dry. I just couldn't muster up the energy. I couldn't find my way, I couldn't see the other end. But I knew it was there.
I just kept holding on to the fact that God is God now the same way He was in the beginning, now, and who He will be in the end.

This is how I know God is real. Because the desert and I are old friends. The edge of the cliff, wanting to jump and not knowing how to turn from the chasm slip on and off my heart like a broken in pair of jeans.
It's only in the last 7 years that God has been there with me. In the last few years that I realize I'm in the desert, I realize I'm flirting with the edges again but I just hold on knowing that My God will find a way for me, He'll make a way for me because He is the God who provides.

I love the places in the bible where they talk about God in the beginning. I read on a blog once, where the woman had carried a baby to term and delivered her knowing the baby was only going to live a few hours. Through the blog and her subsequent book she would say that she believe God was the same before during and after her journey with her baby girl.
So in the desert I just hold on that though circumstances may change, though the world may be in chaos and your life seems to be spiraling that God is still God and He provides.
This is my prayer in the desert
When all that's within me feels dry
This is my prayer in my hunger and need
My God is the God who provides

All of my life in every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship
---Desert Song Brooke Fraser

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