June 2 - Dressed like a rock star for work today, which meant I got to wear a ridiculous amount of black eye makeup and red lipstick

June 4 - I had grandiose plans to clean and organize the night away. Instead I napped, ate dinner then went to bed for the night. It.was.glorious.
June 5 - Charlie and Dan came over and finished the hall bath and hung the laundry and basement bath doors. I did ALL my laundry, cleaned, and rearranged the living room and my bedroom. Also, yummy dinner with Sharen and Matthew!
June 6 - Waking up in a clean and reorganized house is amazing. Also, got a chance to tell a friend I loved him all the way, no matter what.
June 7 - Busy busy day at work means it went by fast. Yummy leftovers for lunch too.
June 8 - Dinner and good conversation with my friends Fred and Claire and I made a brave decisions that I can't tell you about because it scares me
June 9 - All day I thought today was the 10th, so I decided to schedule a personal day for Friday. So it became like my Thursday. Also, I crawled in bed after work and literally didn't get out until 6am. It was lovely
June 10 -Today is my Friday, watched some America Got Talent with Kirsten, Shelby and Matthew and laughed a lot. Oh, and my friend Alexis brought a brand new baby into the world!
Jacob Patrick Wombold 6lbs 15oz
June 11 - Slept in, did a little work, cleaned a little, read a lot. All in all a good relaxing day, oh and Nicole arrived!
June 12 -Woke up and read and randomly cleaned some windows while I waited for Nicole to awake from her coma. When she finally did I ate some free Chipotle thanks to a Rock star gift card from work and the donation of another partially used one by my peep Lori.
June 13 - I started reading The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom for the first time. I got halfway through it in addition to cleaning my kitchen and doing other random things. It's a very good book.
June 14 - Washington Project meeting! I really love the people I get to lead with and watching them grow as leaders while they push me to grow as well.
June 15 - Sometimes the best thing about a day is that you made it through alive and mostly in one piece.
June 16 - We got our $225 Amazon gift card at work today for hitting our May sales goal. I spent it within 5 minutes of receiving it, I bought a Sony digital reader!
June 17 - I had yummy brats for dinner with my seeester and her family and went to bed relatively early.
June 18- I got my Sony Reader today! So much fun downloading (free) books from a public domain site. Now I can be all smart and say I read a lot of classics!
June 19 - The dog woke me up early, but with the exception of walking him and dinner with Matthew I watched movies on the couch all day. LOVE
June 20 - Church was great. We handed out root beer to people and I got to chat with some friends I love a lot.
June 21 - Oh, I forgot...the people I dogsat for work at a local bakery that is apparently a big deal. I didn't know that, but they made me a CHOCOLATE cake with chocolate mousse filling and chocolate icing. OH.MY.GOSH. I ate a little everyday and died a little inside from all the happiness.
June 22 - Slept in my own bed after dogsitting, and my kitties snuggled with me a lot because I had been gone. They're probably not going to be as forgiving when I'm gone for almost 2 solid weeks....Also, I saved a $13,000 order at work and got crazy kudos and $15 in gift cards for it.
June 23 - Actually had a productive day at work! Refreshing after a few days of crazy craziness
June 24 - Last day before the day I fly to Portland. Busy busy busy but managed to pseudo pick up my house so it isn't trashed while I'm gone.
June 25 - Left on a jet plane for 10 days in Portland, disabled Twitter, gmail and FB on my phone and prepared for internet silence. It was deafening.
June 26 - Woke up in Portland Oregon! With Katy! I'll be here for 10 days!
June 27 - Fun at a great church in Portland. The pastor said, "Has anyone ever told you they were being persecuted for their beliefs and you wanted to tell them, 'No...you're kind of just a jerk." Also, lecterns rising out of the stage to crazy songs are hilarious, I'm just saying.
June 28 -Wandered around Portland while Katy was at work and had some yummy hot chocolate at Powells. Also, I got to meet Courtney and Keith Grant and they are awesome!
June 29 - Settled into doing nothing while Katy was at work. Spent most of the day people watching in Pioneer Square and finished reading Sense & Sensibility. Also, ate a ridiculously large burrito.
June 30 - Got a tan sitting in Pioneer Square again reading but doing more people watching than anyone. Also, Voodoo Donuts with Courtney. I'm just saying, the name of a donut we ate is Cock and Balls and yes...pictures will follow when I'm back online.
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