
Dirty Girls Ministry

I stumbled across Crystal through Anne Jackson .
I generally follow the rabbit hole of the internet through all sorts of random connections and a lot of them end up fizzling out after only a few weeks. But I love what Crystal Renaud is doing. She is boldly stepping out in faith and beginning a ministry called Dirty Girls Ministries (DGM) on the topic of women addicted to pornography.
DGM is a Christian anti-pornography ministry created to help women who struggle with pornography addiction.
There are tons of resources and support out there for men that are dealing with addiction to porn but only a few for women. She is speaking from her own personal addiction and deliverence from pornography and it's been amazing to watch her journy from across the world wide interweb.
Check out the links below and support her on the journey God is calling her to. Pass the information along to women you may know that are struggling under the stifling weight of addiction to pornography; let them know they are not alone in their struggles.

The mission of Dirty Girls is to:

-Bring awareness to the porn problem among women today
-Show struggling women they are not alone
-Demonstrate hope for recovery from this addiction
-Explain that the Bible and Jesus have the answer

DGM offers recovery groups, coaching networks, resources and prayer support for women with this problem.

Visit DGM.

Read Crystal’s personal blog.

Follow DGM on Twitter.


Luke said...

You might like listening to her interview on the Covenant Eyes blog. It was so interesting talking to her and picking her brain about this issue:


Crystal Renaud said...

thank you for your post & support! <3 Crystal