Saturday afternoon, while my dad was chopping up the fence into smaller sections I was pulling nails and bundling the wood slats into 4X4 50lb bundles so Rumpke would pick them up curbside (for free). I was straddling a load of wood and needed to take a giant step to the left to better tie up the load. I didn't realize that there was no more patio and my left foot slipped off. I left half my ankle shellacked to the concrete and I hobbled over to the stairs. "DAD!" I yelled. "DAD! I think I see BONE!" He came over, walking a little slower than my grievous injury called for if you ask me and said, "That's not bone" and went to get me a washcloth.
I wiped it down, slapped on some neosporin and about 5 band aids (what? I didn't have any big band aids) and went back out to work. Throughout the afternoon dirt, sweat and I'm pretty sure some bugs were all over that wound. I wiped it down and cleaned it out Saturday night and left it unbandaged. I went to church, kicked it several times while I walked and probably sweating in it some more, thank you 97 degrees with over 80% humidity, and went back home to help build a retaining wall around the flowerbed in the back. (Ok I supervised a lot of the time, but dangit I supervised my ass off). I was climbing around the backyard pulling rebar (that I hit my ankle with) and yard kindling for Dad and Jeff and I kept hitting the wound with tree branches, sticks, a brick and my foot. Needless to say, I can't imagine that any of this helped heal the wound much faster.
I watered my flowerbed and fought some bees that are living in the dirt by my front porch so I think I also sprinkled some mulch, dirt and probably the wings of a few bees that I killed in the wound.
I slapped some neosporin on the ankle and called it a night. My ankle HURTS today. It HURTS. I finally decided to bandage it while at work but I'm not sure how much it will help. I think tomorrow the only choice remaining will be to just chop off my foot from the ankle down and hope a new one regenerates....that happens to human feet right? Right?
The wound: It's about the size of half dollar, and there are 4 distinct gouges in my skin...which I'm pretty sure were to the bone although Dad disagrees.

The bandaging: Ok, so I may have gone overboard with the bandage. Maybe.

You should put some hydrogen peroxide on that. It will sting... but it will bubble up and you will see it killing the germs. And then you can blow on it and it will get all cool and feel better.
I agree with Katy, I hear it's good to make sure the bee wings and mulch are out of it.
I wouldn't amputate quite yet, you should consider that plan B. Plan A should be to continue to bandage, treat and clean the wound....and for pete sake STOP HITTING IT!!! ;)
Take some pain killers if necessary, give yourself a break, take the bandage off to let it breath for awhile while you twirl your hair. That's my advice.
If all that fails, I'll bring over the rusty hand saw and we'll take care of this.
Pete, I would like to point out that I'm not hitting it on PURPOSE.
It's my way of telling you to go back to supervising and leave the work for the others.
You're injured, you should be on the patio with your nearly severed foot on the ottoman and a cold refreshing drink in your hand being refreshed every 10 minutes.
Is that a little more clear for you? You must have a fever too, you're barely understanding my subtlety. ;)
I'm tellin' ya. This is goin' in the book AND the screenplay!!!
I'm prescribing some liquor.
I bought Mike's Hard Pink Lemonade at the store today, I'll go drink one now, and you let me know if you feel better.
Miss you (and you and you too!)!!!!
You're dad is crazy.. I def. see bone. :)
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