I was DRUNK with power. In just under 2 hours we turned 3 sides of this (which went all the way around my yard)
Into this:
We also tore down the shed and the deck it sat on. All relatively light work thanks to the kick ass bobcat I got to drive around on. If I had it to do all over again I would totally have rented a dumpster just to throw everything in it as we went, but nothing I can do about it now I suppose.
Here's Dad and Jeff standing triumphantly by the pile oh wood that I just destroyed with the bobcat
Matthew got a kick out of the bobcat as well as the big Evans truck that delivered 8 yards of dirt. We filled in a hole left by the previous owners above ground pool and built up part of the front yard that was retaining water.
This is Matthew and I about to pop a wheelie in the bobcat (what Jeff and Doug referred to as a wussy wheelie but whatever!)
Here's Matthew enjoying a ride on the bobcat. I have no idea why this child was wearing a winter cap and gloves on an 80 degree day.
Evans brought be 8 yards of dirt to play on with the bobcat.
They even hauled away all of my fence panels and some posts. Matthew thought his truck was pretty cool too. So he sat back and watched.
We tore down my shed and ripped up the deck. I drove all around my yard with about 6 feet of decking balanced precariously on the bobcat scoop. Then I got to bounce into the road and flip it over into my yard. It was CRAZY fun.
The boys got a chance to take out some aggression on the deck with a sledgehammer. I just sat in the bobcat and watched, seeing as how I was trapped by 6' sections of decking.
After we got everything torn down and set by the side of the road it was time to get cleaned up. We had some yummy dinner at Acapulco and then Jeff, Doug and I went back to Meijer where Mom, Dad and I saw a cute "conversation set". Originally $400 this had 2 rocking chairs, 2 footstools and 1 slate side table. Everything padded and 2 throw pillows. It was on CLEARANCE 50% off! PLUS I was able to use a 20% off general merchandise coupon and I went home with all 5 pieces for $170!
There was some assembly required, which I left up to the professionals
But have no fear! While they were working to put together my conversation set I was spreading grass seed and straw on my 8 yards of dirt.
Apparently kicking the straw around isn't the most efficient way to do it...
If you're wondering where Matthew was during this whole time, he was hanging out in the fort he made out of my "conversation set" box.
Finally, after a long day of working in the yard I was able to sit back and relax in my new patio chairs. Where I promptly fell asleep.
I love the color of the cushions on the conversation set! Also.. I love your smile. I miss it.
Looked like a lot of fun! Wish I could have been there.
Can't wait to get down there and help enjoy that conversation set!
Love, love, love it! All of it!!!
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