
Rainbow Sprinkles

I love them. I love everything about rainbow sprinkles. I like them on my donuts and on my chocolate soft serve ice cream cones.
There have been numerous occasions recently that I could just about commit murder just to get my hands on a chocolate soft serve ice cream cone with rainbow sprinkles. It's worse then my cravings for Swiss Cake Rolls.
They're just so crunchy and rainbowish. They give the right kind of texture to soft serve ice cream. I've just been thinking about them a lot lately, mainly because how lovely the weather has been.

In other random news:

I watched Star Trek. It was awesome. I was cringing, laughing and tearing up the whole time. I'm not a trekkie, I've only dated trekkies. So other then the famous lines (I'm giv'n her all she's got Capt'n!...) I don't really know much about the franchise. But it was a great movie. I saw it on my own last Saturday night. I think I'm going to see more movies alone. I don't have to compromise on what movie to see, and I don't have to share the popcorn!

I'm trying to stop drinking soda. My longest stretch has been the last 7 days. Today I drank a Dr. Pepper and I might have a coke with dinner. But tomorrow...tomorrow I will be resolved! I feel like making life changes. I think it's because I'm turning 30. Instead of being all swoony and despondent that I'm not married or a mother (which I'm not really that interested in pursuing, but I feel like there's a wedding watch 2009 target on my back lately...) I think I've decided to crave physical life changes. I've stopped casually puffing and now I'm on to pop. I think when I conquer pop I'm moving on to no eating at places with a drive thru. That one is going to be TOUGH. I'm also hoping to hit the gym more, and maybe even spend some time at the metro parks this summer. They're just so lovely and there's no reason I shouldn't be going to them.

I don't mind yard work as much as I thought I would. I mean, it's definitely not something that I would choose to do if I had other options (read: a roommate or affordable neighborhood teen doing it). But I don't mind. It feels empowering. But I have this random swath of mushrooms in my side yard that make just that one section of yard greener and causes it to grow faster. How do I stop that? I feel like this time next year I'll be drunk with knowledge of home ownership.

I'm saying no. For no reason. 2009 is the year that I'm learning balance and that means I have to say no to some things and intentionally pull back so I'm not always running running running. Me constantly running isn't good for my health, my emotional well being and most importantly it really sucks the life out of my relationship with God. I was asked to dog sit over Memorial Day weekend, which I'm reserving to do things around my house (painting!) and stay at my house the majority of the (if not the entire) weekend. I said no. I said no to what is essentially $150 to hang out at a really nice house and romp with some really sweet dogs. It hurt more then I thought it would.

I've been working at the bookstore again. Every other weekend, sometimes each weekend, only on Fridays or Saturdays. Dan pointed out Wednesday that's like me having 3 jobs, my "real" job, Washington Project, and the bookstore. No wonder I feel grumpy and strained. I'm still chewing over what to do about that revelation.

I'm reading Harry Potter for the first time and LOVING it. I'm halfway through book four. Don't tell me anything. I've made it years without knowing anything about anything past the 1st movie. If it's spoiled now I will straight up murder someones ass!

I really love my house. I mean I just love it. It's a lot of work and all that work is on me only. But I love it. Sometimes I just sit in the living room, or look up from the lawn mower, or sit in the driveway in the morning and think...this is MY house. MINE. I love it.

This is the end of random thoughts with Bethany. Please wait for the captain to turn off the Fasten Seat Belt sign. Once the sign is off you may unbuckle and collect your carry on items.


LaCourse said...

When I move to Cincy ;) I will be your "yard girl". I LOVE doing yardwork. When I was 7 months pregnant I was out trimming the hedges and pulling weeds in our landscape. I also love washing cars. You can hire me, and pay in hugs. :)

ellenjane said...

Lisa, that is the right price! You're hired! Now, when are you moving ;)

Anonymous said...

i'll take care of your lawn if you want, but paying me mileage might require a 2nd mortgage!

Etepay said...

All these haters can just back away from my future yard. lol.

I love this post and can't specifically say why. It makes me miss you. :)