We had schedule a Jungle Boat Tour with our Apple Rep for Monday. For whatever reason we didn't seem to be able to sleep past 730 or 8 Cancun time, so that's when we got up. After a quick bite we head to the bus for the ride to the boat place. We signed up to drive our own speed boat (following a guide) out the lagoon into the Caribbean and in and out of jungle inlets. We would ultimately reach the reef where we would snorkel. Back by noon with most of the day left to lay around sunning and drinking.
First, a disclaimer:
I like to pretend that I'm adventurous, but I'm really not.
Nicole drove first because I wanted to know what it was like before I drove. I'm so glad she drove because I.WAS.TERRIFIED.
It was crazy scary. I shrieked and shouted, clutched the sides of the boat. I was terrified.
The water was really choppy out, and we would hit a wave and take off in the air....like jumping the track on a roller coaster. Only instead of jumping just a little we were clearing the water by feet and then slamming back into it.
But we survived. Of course. After several leisurely jaunts through little jungle channels we made it to the reef. It was time to snorkel!
It takes me a few seconds to acclimate to breathing through the tube and to realize I'm probably not swimming in a pool of piranhas. Nicole and I are swimming out past the buoys towards the reefy area. I'm trying to explain to Nicole how to clear her mask underwater so she doesn't have to come up if she doesn't want to. We take a brief detour through the reason I know that information and why on earth I was watching "The Girls Next Door".
So I turn around and go butt up placing my face underwater. Only to realize that I am literally SURROUNDED by a school of purpley striped fish. School was out and they were swarming me! I started shrieking for no reason, and scared this 13 or 14 y/o girl that was with our group...she started screaming too (which was awesome)
We finally calmed down and I just started floating and looking. I would intermittently get kicked in the face by Nicole's fins. I saw a camo fish that I could only see if I stayed very still. Only then would the fish move around and "unblend" from the bottom of the ocean. Only to soon it was time to get back to the boats. Oh, right....the boats. The boats that sat pretty high up from the water and didn't have ladders on them.
Good thing the Jungle Tour guide was strong, because he had to haul my substantial ass back up in the boat. No joke, I slid up on the front of that boat like a whale beaching itself in Tahiti. It.Was.Ridiculous.
But I was on the boat, so I peeled off my flippers and tossed them in the backseat. I proceeded to make the most intelligent decisions....ever. I stood up. On the front of the boat (is that the stern or the bow?) I took one step towards the seats and immediately slipped and fell into the front seat of the boat. But I didn't fall gracefully (and I'm not convinced there is such a thing anyway), fell on the steering wheel. Well, not all of me fell on the steering wheel. Just the right half of my body. The left half fell into the floor space in front of the steering wheel. Yep, that's right...I was straddling the steering wheel of the boat if front of the not unattractive speed boat guide.
Soon, it was time to brave death and drive back to the dock. I drove for approximately 235.4 feet. I realized that I was even more terrified to drive, because to drive I would have to keep my eyes open and at least one hand on the wheel. Nicole and I did a little flip flop of roles and I latched my hands back onto the side of the boat. It wasn't quite as rough on the way back....but there were definitely moments that we caught some air.
When all was said and done, I tipped the guide because I was still alive.
The rest of the day was pretty dull compared to that. We layed around the pool, drank, jumped in waves and floated in the ocean, took a few naps. By the time the sun started going down we decided to go get all gussied up for our fancy dinner at Mexico Lindo. We wore dresses. It was awesome.
While Nicole was in the shower I was all dressed and ready, and bored....with a camera. So I took a lot of random pics of myself, which she walked out and caught me doing. My strange single/living alone behavior is apparently hilarious to other people.
Dinner was awesome, I had filet mignon...for desert though....oh lawdy I had the best desert. Churros, freshly baked, warm and right from the oven churros. I'm sorry Costco, but that crap you call Churros isn't going to cut it anymore. Better yet, it was served drizzled with caramel and with a scoop of chocolate ice cream...and SLICES OF KIWI. KIWI!
(Have I mentioned that for every meal I ate I always had a gigantic plate piled high with fresh fruit. Three times a day...huge heaping helpings of fruit!)
We had some deliciously strong Mango Margaritas too...so good!
We stumbled up to bed. I passed out hard at the crazy late hour of...930pm. Oh my goodness I felt old.
Your post cracked me up in all the right places!!!
I so wish you had video of the screaming panic attack with the fish though.
your very descriptive account of the day was hilarious! I'm sure it wasn't all hilarious at the time, but it made me giggle just the right amount this morning. lol.
I could picture everything and made me jealous I wasn't there.
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