I threw a housewarming party this weekend. People came! People laughed! At least 4 people said it was the most fun they've had in a long time! I was loud and obnoxious at a
Mexican restaurant! I'm pretty sure it was the wine though...
I was still busting ass to get things ready at 2, thank goodness Fred and Claire showed up early to help me run around like a chicken with my head cut off. People streamed in, (they brought gifts!) and I took them on the tour, they ooh and
ahhh'd in just the right places. Jake and Cody came in from Cleveland which was so awesome, I don't get to see them nearly enough!
After a lot of people had straggled out I saw a car pull up. I wandered to the living room window, thinking..."that looks a lot like Pete's car, but it's obviously not Pete since he's in Cleveland" As I peer our the door I realize, IT IS PETE!

Holy crap! He totally drove down and surprised me, and I had no idea! So we sat around, drank more wine and then my tum said, "Bethany you have to eat, there's a lot of wine in your tum and it's starting to get
floopy" So we head out to Acapulco and I mooched off of the big ass margaritas Pete and Heather couldn't finish (my plan was flawless!) We all laughed until we cried when
Alaina saw a waiter that looked like a lesbian she used to know, and I subtly tried to point him out to Jeff (and by subtle I mean shouting Jeff and jerking my head around like a fish out of water) We paid the bill and went back to my beautiful home to shoot the breeze and see if we could successfully
eradicate my house of wine and summer sausage. We did a pretty good job, although I think I'm going to go get a glass of wine now with all this talk.
So here are some updated pics of my house, furnished with stuff hanging on the walls.

This is the wall just inside the front door. You'll see the lovely shadow boxes that
Sharen and I hung about 10pm Friday night, and the sofa table with 2 lamps is in the middle. I bought all 3 pieces for $40 at
Lowes the day after Thanksgiving, huzzah!

This is the wall opposite the sofa table. You can see my lovely Charlie Brown Christmas tree and the paintings and mirror hung on the wall. My friend Mandy painted the pictures for me and dad made the stain glass mirror. The black triangle at the bottom is Gertrude's ear, she's a camera hog.

Speaking of camera hogs...here she is again. She likes being on camera, but refuses to look AT the camera, which isn't really helpful. This is a table my dad's dad made my
gma, it used to be her nightstand for the longest time. The nativity on the bottom is one mom and dad bought her in 1990 from One World Shoppe. I can't decide it if looks to awkward there or not, but I like seeing the stuff being used and out so I'm keeping it for awhile.

Here's the bookcase I couldn't decide about earlier. It actually looks so much better with all the books on it. I also added a few trinkets here or there to make it look a little cozier. As Jake remembered the blue sign 1st shelf on the left is a "Shoplifters will be
Prosecuted" that I borrowed from Cedar Point. I fully intend on returning it, I just haven't had it with me when I dropped by recently. I really like having the lamp in the corner, reduces the need for overhead lights which makes it feel softer and more homey.

Here's the top of the bookcase.
Sharen let me borrow a lace table runner of
gma's for the top. I think it helps give the case a more finished look. I also threw some old books (with cloth covers) up on the top and 2 of Bob's old bibles up there to help make the top less plain. In case you needed to know, the snow man has
stitching on the other side that reads, "I love you SNOW much" I know, that's almost to cute to bear!
So that's my house. It was a fun party and I wish so many of you could have been there. By so many of you I of course mean the 4 people I know that read this and weren't there. I hope you had a great weekend, I'm going to have a glass of
First off, I love the new background! I want one!
Secondly, I want to come see your new house so bad!
Thirdly, that Pinot better have been from Oregon. ;)
I can't wait to see your house someday in person!! You did a great job with it! Wish I could have been at your party! I guess I was there in "purse-spirit" though right? haha :) Love ya!! :)
We had such a blast at your party. There are a few people I missed seeing there, but some day... (Hi, Katy)
You really have done a wonderful job putting everything together.
Dinner was a riot....
skint= I skint the fish I caught earlier, so let's fry em up!
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