These are my parents, who I love. Who are more generous then almost anyone I know. They met in 8th grade at St Mary's church camp. My mom said she remembered seeing dad across the drop off field and thinking he was "so cute". My dad said he remembered seeing my mom and thinking, "she has a lot of luggage for just one week". After the week was over they wrote each other letters. ( mail, it was called mail!) They lived two towns away but dad would visit mom. They went to each others proms, and stayed together through college. Dad was visiting mom in her dorm room (scandalous!) and mom's parents came to pick her up. Dad snuck down some stairs and was standing by the car when mom's parents came out. So he did the most logical thing, he hopped in their trunk and shut the lid. When mom's dad opened the trunk to put mom's suitcases in, out popped dad, "Hello Mr Z******" he quipped, then casually walked away.
They got married the week after mom graduated college, on December 16th 197something or other. (What? I always get confused if it's 72 or 73)
My parents worked hard, and still do. Our vacations as kids were 6am-midnight with little rest for the wicked. My parents worked hard to overcome a long line of bitterness trying to barrel like a freight train through their lives, they worked hard to overcome alcoholism and abuse. They did an excellent job and my sister and I reap the benefits every day of their intentional turning away from those choices.
When I was a little girl, I would eavesdrop a lot. (I was very good, I think it's a spiritual gift). I would hear soft conversations, fights, I love yous, and what is wrong with yous. My parents weren't perfect, but they were often the only exception to the lies being shoved down my throat by so many other adults in my life.
These are my parents, who I love.
I found this picture when I was looking for a new picture for blogger, and thought it was a great pic and had to share.
I thought none of this when I was younger. When I was younger I of course was stifled, no one understood me, they just didn't get it and they obviously never would. So for those of you struggling with the drama that is having kids, they might not get it now, but one day they will.
They got married the week after mom graduated college, on December 16th 197something or other. (What? I always get confused if it's 72 or 73)
My parents worked hard, and still do. Our vacations as kids were 6am-midnight with little rest for the wicked. My parents worked hard to overcome a long line of bitterness trying to barrel like a freight train through their lives, they worked hard to overcome alcoholism and abuse. They did an excellent job and my sister and I reap the benefits every day of their intentional turning away from those choices.
When I was a little girl, I would eavesdrop a lot. (I was very good, I think it's a spiritual gift). I would hear soft conversations, fights, I love yous, and what is wrong with yous. My parents weren't perfect, but they were often the only exception to the lies being shoved down my throat by so many other adults in my life.
These are my parents, who I love.
I found this picture when I was looking for a new picture for blogger, and thought it was a great pic and had to share.
I thought none of this when I was younger. When I was younger I of course was stifled, no one understood me, they just didn't get it and they obviously never would. So for those of you struggling with the drama that is having kids, they might not get it now, but one day they will.
I love how they are laughing at Matthew's torture, and I'm getting some just deserts.
Yes, but just think after this week how much fun you will have fun serving just desert to Matthew in about 20 years :)
Just hold onto that.
I remember the time that you were living in the world described in the disclaimer. I'm so glad that you have (all) moved into a better place!
ressecto=the spell used at the end of Biology class by Harry Potter to put the animal he just dissected back together!!!
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