I got new hair tonight. Much to Stephanie's glee and amazement it includes layers AND bangs! It's a whole new world apparently. I haven't had on purpose bangs (and no you don't want to know what that means) since maybe 8th grade.
I'm trying to be brave and try new things. I might color it darker brown too, but I haven't decided yet.
What do you think? Yes, I'm digging for compliments, so be sure to lay them on thick!
Compliment alert!
It's BEAUTIFUL! Just like you. It frames your face so nicely. I'm glad you decided on this one.
I like it!!!
(and you!)
I love it!
I did a double take when I looked at your picture to make sure it was you!
Totally digging your new look:)
A new house AND a new haircut.
holy shoot!
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