

She's pregnant!
I can't believe she's pregnant!
:running around so totally stoked that I can't really focus on the rest of the conversation:

Yep, that's what happened in my head when she told me. When she told me so casually as if it wasn't the answer to so many hours of prayer. When she told me under the guise of explaining why she wasn't up for Skip-Bo for awhile anyway...so it was ok that I was busy.
I rejoiced in the greatness of our mutual God. I rejoice still.

I didn't want to be so awkwardly stoked because there are circumstances I can't speak about that are touchy. There are things that have happened that make this a holding your breath type of pregnancy. But....

She's pregnant, I can't believe she's pregnant. She's soooo totally pregnant!


Mommyto3 said...

and now, she'll have a fabulous new game of Skip-Bo to play and teach her kiddos....

Anonymous said...

I'm happy for her, whoever she is.

Judging by the previous comment, my first guess is wrong. Though Sharen's such a good mommy I hope it does happen again (when they're ready).

OMG, is it Alaina?!!!?!??!?!!??!?!

Just kidding. Seriously though, you kind of touched on the fact that there were issues, so Praise God it happened. And Lord be with her during the whole thing as well.

Speaking of pregnancy, I haven't heard you mention speaking to your extended family for a while, so I'll ask on their behalf....

When are you going to get married and have babies?

There, now that's out of the way and we can all move on with life at our own pace.

ellenjane said...

bwahahahaha! You're comment had me rolling Jake!