
you don't make it easy babe

i am at the same time trying to love you and not love you
you are simultaneously making it easy and hard

permeating my thoughts and dreams
at the most unexpected moments i will smell that soapy smell of yours and hear the twinkle in your eye

in the raindrops and sunshine i see your laughter and tears and wonder if you are happy
in the clouds i see the impending thunderstorm and hope that we will survive

birds scattering across the sky carry with them the memory of running away together and never looking back, trees lazily swaying in the same breeze that rocked us to sleep to the sound of owls and crickets

i am at the same time trying to love you and not love you
you are simultaneously making it easy and hard

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it wrong of me to appreciate the beauty of your words when they contain difficult emotions for you?
I feel guilty deriving pleasure from something that brings you pain/grief/agitation.