

Thanks for all the lovely emails, comments, mesasges and conversations in the last few days. It's helped. What will help more you ask? Well, let me tell you!
T minus 3 hours and 10 minutes until I'm done working for over a week!
Plus there is a solitary 6 hour road trip in my future with my newly minted road trip playlist to burn through.
Time away from regular life always helps my perspective.
So thanks.
I'm not all better.
But I'm a little better
I can now carry on conversations about non-work related things without crying. I'm still pretty angry, but I can now smile in addition to seething.
After I leave work today I'm not sure how soon I'll be back on the internet, maybe a little tomorrow, and then probably not again until Wednesday.
So if I don't get a chance to check in...Happy Thanksgiving. I'm thankful for all of you.

Oh, and Happy Birthday Nicole

1 comment:

MCAC said...

It's only Monday and I miss your blogs already!!!

I hope you are having a great trip!!!!!