
I am but a pencil

So in an email to a friend I wrote this:

It's not laying to much on me *edit*. I promise. I've gotten leaps and bounds better in setting boundaries and letting people know when it's to much. But I have broad shoulders and a deep heart, so bring it on. Maybe one of these days I'll tell you about my history and you'll understand that I feel almost uncontrollably compelled to bear witness to suffering and to love people and encourage them in even the slightest way.
Some people I feel almost unable to help myself. God saved
me in every sense of the word. He save me from taking my life quickly
with a slice of the blade, and from taking my life slowly through boys and
alcohol. This is what he saved me for. So I can be even the
slightest part of a love letter that he is writing to those that live in the
margins socially and emotionally, those that feel dejected and rejected by
everyone and every church. It is the greatest honor of my life that he
allows me to be even a small part of his work *edit*.

Anyway, I wanted to share because sometimes I feel like people think it's morbid or masochistic to be in these situations. My dad has often said that I need to just tell people to leave me alone and that I can't feel responsible for solving the worlds problem.

But I don't, I feel responsible for comforting people, for encouraging them etc.

How can that be bad?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's AWESOME!!!
Too bad it's too big to fit on a business card!!!