
Life is so Hard

I really wish people would grow thicker skin. I'm tried of pussy footing around people that get their feelings hurt everytime you don't cater to their every whim. I mean c'mon...are there not better things to worry about in this world then if you're feeling appreciated by every single person around you?
So many people just withdraw into their shell of self-absorption and cry about how hard their life is in America. Really? I get that you have problems, but could you maybe understand that our life is not the hardest, that our life here in America has running water, relative safety, and all sorts of other things. Do you think your feelings could get out of your way for a minute and you can realize you are not the only person to get their feelings hurt?
You know I'd like to say this makes me feel better, but it doesn't. Complaining like this just makes me feel self-absorbed and like I'm crying about how hard my life is....

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