I jammed my finger getting peanut butter out of the car last Sunday, they bruised and now ache. I've taken to taping them to help keep them still in hopes they stop aching and throbbing by 2019. It's making it difficult to type, and even more difficult to wear my diamond ring.
Hmmm, I would let you sweat it out, but since Pete and Jake already know I might as well tell you it's all a farce. Nicole found these super cute rings for not that much and bought me one for my birthday. Since my left ring finger feels substantially claustrophobic at the slightest hint of romantic commitment the ring lives happily on my middle left finger.
So what have I been up to lately? Other then over thinking things and doing 47,000 things at once? I've done some of these things:

I turned the chocolate on the left into the chocolate on the right. Well, not just the chocolate on the right. When all is said and done I'll have poured almost 50 pounds of chocolate into shapes, sizes, suckers and 1 very fun race car. I filled it with pretzels, coconut, peanut butter (see aforementioned hand injury), pecans and crispies. I gave most of it away, but my hips managed to keep some for themselves.
My parents came and stayed at my house over Christmas and we got some stuff accomplished. We replaced the shower head in my bathroom with one of those rain ones, it's like a completely different shower I love it so much now. We installed a programmable thermostat and 5 new door knobs, you can lock the hall bath now! When switching around some light switch plates we discovered that under all the lovely camo paint in the 3rd bedroom is BLOOD red high gloss paint. Yet another stunning example of the bad color (and paint type) choices the previous owners have made. High gloss under high gloss? I should probably just fire bomb that room and start all over again at this rate!

Nicole and I hung out for New Years, I drove up to BG and we hung out at mom and dad's house. We drove around in vain looking for something to eat and ended up sipping mango margaritas at El Zarape and eating ourselves into a Mexican food induced coma. After waking up kicking Nicole's ass at Wii tennis we took a late night dunk in the hot tub wearing swim suits and wool caps. It was quite nice, except when I was walking back to the house and my hand froze to the metal staircase handle! We rang in the new year and went to bed shortly thereafter, but Mom and Dad did let us sleep in until almost 11, that's later then I've slept in for practically a year!

I bought the complete series of M*A*S*H on Amazon for just a little over $100 shipped. 11 seasons, the full movie and other random bonus stuff. It seemed to take FOREVER to get here. So while we were waiting the kitties nested in the living room and Gertrude cuddled up under a warm cozy blanket.

I also found chitlins at Meijer. I didn't buy them because I'm not really sure what they are. But every time I see, hear, or think about Chitlins I think about Jake on the band bus telling me out of no where that he was craving Chitlins and he didn't even know what they were. I don't know who Uncle Lou is, but I'm sure his chitlins are just as good as anyone elses.

Sharen brought her camera cord over and uploaded some of the pictures from my camera. While I couldn't find a damn one of me I liked, I found this HILARIOUS picture of my dad.

I also drank a margarita or two at a house warming party, and maybe some wine....although I can't confirm or deny.

Excuse Me! I knew the ring was friendly gesture too you know? Oh, and do you realy want to know what chitlins are? Okay, I'll tell you... this is quoted from Wikepedia.... "Chitterlings (often pronounced /ˈtʃɪtlɪnz/ and sometimes spelled chitlins or chittlins in vernacular) are the intestines and rectum of a pig that have been prepared as food. They are a type of offal."
Sometimes, it's best just not to wonder or even think about some things.
:) Gotta love me!
Right! Actually you were the first one to know :)
Also, gross about the chitlins
That picture makes me look like such an enabler!!!
Awesome pics... your dad looks like he's taking a bow.
Although you and Nicole look a little, well... odd.
I love the pictures and the one with you drinking jake's margarita has me laughing out loud!
I miss Cincinnati.....and of course you too. :)
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