Could this be photo shopped for heart string effect? Sure. When I look at the picture I wonder why the person stopped to take a picture instead of immediately scooping up this child into their arms.
But photos are powerful whether they're staged or not. They change, shape, and intensify your perspective on things.
Feeling your heart break over such need is rough when you're sitting in a warm, cushy cubicle with plenty of fresh and clean running water. Seeing such terrible hunger is like a knife to my ever expanding gut.
What do you do when there's so much to do, where do you start and how do you help when you feel like you're not helping enough?
Why? How?
God I cling to the fact that you are God, that you are sovereign and good, that you can be trusted, that your heart is bigger and more broken over the damage in the world then mine could ever be. Father I don't understand the why and the how but I choose to trust in you and your ways.
Use me, use us, catalyze and drive us to discontent with the way it is and show us the way it should be.
When I think of Lilly, the girl mom and dad adopted in Kenya, it makes my heart ache. I wish things could be different in so many ways.
Sadly, it's a real photo, by Kevin Carter (1994). He committed suicide shortly after taking the picture (though the Sudanese girl lived, and made it to the feeding station she was walking too, because he chased away the vulture and helped her).
I have no idea why it took me so long to find your blog, but I have found it ... so, watch out (great post)
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