I just heard my cats fighting in the living room, for like a ridiculously long time. So I get up to see what's happening, I flip the light on, and see them calmly standing next to each other as if nothing happened. Figures. Then I walked over and took a closer look, and saw a little clump of Gertrude's black hair hanging out of Agnes' mouth!
Agnes then looked up at me with this pathetic sad look and meowed. Which may have worked if I hadn't seen the aforementioned tuft of black hair fall out of her teeth and float to the floor.
Laughing my ass off!!!
I love it when you walk into a room to see what all the commotion is and they're frozen in place, perfectly peaceful. It's like one of them stops and says, "Shh, daddy's coming!"
Too funny!!!
I can totally picture it the big kitty cat eyes looking at you all innocently.
Silly kitties!
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