Friday the ladies were talking about how they wanted to
climb up on them. So Leah, Sonya, and Jen decided to do it, while conveniently the ring leaders Lisa and Jill backed out :)
Sonya was freaking amazing on that thing, she just jumped out and hopped along, then got into the saddle that was on the other end and acted like she was on a rodeo ride! Jen went last, and she had just settled into the position in the picture above when some of the kids (who were supposed to be in bed) came running out onto the 2nd floor balcony screaming WHOA!. Lisa who was the mom to one of the kids shouted, "that's BAD miss Jen you climb down NOW!" and then "kids BACK to BED!" Oh it was hilarious.
I taught a bunch of the women to play skip bo, and I didn't win once.
It was a great time, and so many of the stories may not be funny in translation because you might have had to be there. But heck, I'm going to try to tell them anyway :)
Jill was talking to Amy and Ava and asking where Amy took Ava (who is maybe 1 1/2 or 2ish) to get her haircut. Then she looked at Ava and said, " do they put an apron over your....your....your...area?" We all burst out laughing and Amy said, "Jill I don't take her to places like that to get her hair cut"
Oh there was also the modeling clay during the game cranium incident...while I won't go into details, lets just say the boys walked back into the lodge from (getting kicked out of) go carting to 3 women shouting male anatomy names at a woman that was almost crying she was laughing so hard.
I was really nervous going, because I feel all socially awkward and completely incapable of interacting appropriately with people, plus I just really like all the people that were going and I didn't want them to not like me (I know, and yes I realize it's like high school, I'm TRYING to get over it) But it turned out really well.
I rode home with Jill and Ryan and their kids which was a lot of fun. It was nice getting to just hang out with them instead of being focused on something outreach related. Plus, it was so sweet seeing them interact as a married couple. I mean, it was interesting the whole weekend to see couples for an extended period of time and just observe how they interacted with each other and "fought". We stopped at McDonald's on the way home and Jill and Ryan got into a discussion about something their oldest son was doing and I was awkwardly caught between them having the conversation and this half wall thing...so I overheard. But honestly to me it was just a conversation, not snapping or fighting or anything. So then when I was sitting in the back of the van they were standing behind the van and they had another conversation about how the aforementioned conversation went and it was just so sweet, to see and hear them taking care of each other, and supporting each other, and reconciling when they though they might have spoke to harshly to each other. Seeing all of these couples interacting through the weekend did my heart good relationship wise. It gave me hope that marriage can be different then the world shows me, and better then I ever imagined (but not easier)
When I got back Saturday I rushed home and got cleaned up and then rushed to Erlanger to go to Daryl and Katie's church. I sat through the service, which was great and the worship music which was AMAZING. Then after they had a little cake party before Tenth Avenue North performed in concert. Holy cow, the concert was amazing, the lyrics stopped my heart most of the night and still do...but that will be another entry in and of itself. Great night though. Plus I got to meet Tony's new girlfriend, which was awkward and fun all at the same time. It was different seeing them together, but nice seeing how they interacted. it definitely gave me a new frame of reference for her when Tony talks about her.
Sunday I went to church which was great, and I found threads of the sermon running through the rest of my day. Then I went bridesmaid dress shopping with Sharen and Jeni, which went remarkably quick. Since we had so much time to spare we headed to the wretched dress barn and I....wait for it.....hold on....bought TWO dresses. One for the rehearsal dinner, but one just to wear in general and shock the heck out of people. It should be really fun. Then bible study, I picked up Claire and got a chance to tell her on the way home how amazing I think she is and how what some specific people say about her isn't the sum of her being. I told her (through tears) that it made me really sad that these people were missing it, they were just missing what an amazing person she is, I hope it helped.
Then I fell exhaustingly into bed and prepared for a new week back at work. That trip was just want I needed, so refreshing and rejuvenating. The bad attitude of late seems to be dissipating and the communication issue seems to be clearing up, which is such a relief.
Sounds like a great weekend!! One I know you really needed and well deserved!! :)
Can't wait to hear more about it!
I'm glad you got a chance to re-group and recuperate!!!
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