

Did I feel the need to come to work again today? I took the morning off and came in around noon. It's one of those days when you immediately realize you should have just stayed in bed.
I mean, I have vacation time to use, but I still feel as if I'm letting someone down if I take the day of...grrrr.

My voice is still gone, which doesn't bode well for the David Crowder concert tomorrow. But I'll make do, it is afterall David Crowder!
So I slept sitting up against my wall last night, or rather, I dozed on and off while sitting up. When I woke up this morning I had of course fallen over and was lying flat, which wasn't the issue. The issue was that Gertrude and Agnes, in their own kitty way, were trying to comfort me, by LYING ON MY CHEST AND THROAT! Yeah, that definately didn't help the not being able to breathe part : (
Hmmm, what else...
I get to go see Switchfoot and Reliant K next Wednesday for free. Alexis got the comp tickets at the bookstore and is taking me...woot woot
Tootsie Roll Pops are my crack, I mean they are my CRACK.

My sister and I are working on organizing a food drive for the local food pantries. They are in emergency status because they are running out of food. It's all totally her idea this helping out. It makes me proud to see people being generous, no matter who they are, but especially when they're my seester!
So if you live near here then donate, contact me to find out how. If you don't live near here, then buy an extra bag of non-perishable food and donate it to your local food bank. This is the time of year that people are deciding between buying groceries and paying their heating bill....help them not have to decide to go hungry.
I think that's about it.
My short lunch is about over, and it's back to the off the phone work that is being scrounged around for me to work on.

Peace out Homies...and remember, if y0u're going to tell the hair stylist to cust your hair to your chin...be sure to specify which chin it is that you mean!

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