
Trust and Appreciation

I find it insanely difficult to trust people face to face. It's easy on here, because I type and then you read. I don't have to see you disappointed reaction, I don't have to see you recoil in disgust as some of the things I say, or at least that's my perception of what happens when I speak to people are deep true things that are in my head.
I have a friend, who knows who they are I think...if not, well, anyway. I was recently trusted with some information that so resonated with me, that so spoke to me. It felt good to be trusted, to be trustworthy.
I so appreciate it when people trust me with themselves, in any facet. How am I robbing people by not trusting them, not opening up to them in person?
Is it fair that I send them this link and let them peer inside my head through the computer screen? Is rejection any less rejection when it happens over the internet?
Proably not, but it's maybe a little easier to hide from others.

Ben was talking about mentoring at a church meeting on Satuday. He was talking about explaining the process of what you're doing and why you're doing it to someone to help refine what you do. He said, "If you can't explain what or why you're doing something, then you're probably not doing it right" At least I think it was Ben....I attribute a lot to him that I'm not sure if he says, but I'm maybe 93% sure on this one.
So I was thinking, why do I do outreach, why do I love it so much.
For so long I felt unseen, unacknowledged in some way. There was a time that I actually thought I was invisible. When people saw me, took the time to look past the funny sarcastic defenses that I had built up it meant something. It saved my life many times over.
To feel seen by people, seen for who you truly are and not only accepted by loved. It changes lives. It's what Jesus did. He saw past the saduccees (no clue if that's spelled right) and the religious rulers of the day that faked religion. He saw past the blindness, leprosy, and filth that was on the poor and downcast and saw the person that God made them to be, loved, cherished, worthy.
If I can see people, meet them where they are and love them, sit with them through the pain, and just share life with them, that's what I want. If I can break bread with people, share meals, laughter and tears, maybe they can feel seen. Most of the time it feels like the least I could do for God. To see people through the lens of Jesus and love them.
Why are simple things so hard?

But I appreciate the trust that people put in me, that many of you put in me. I work hard to be worth the risk and trustworthy. Thank you to those that I trust, and those that I'm learning to trust...in person and on the internet : )

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