
Thoughts from the forum are troubling me...

My experience(s) with Jesus are so visceral and emotional almost all the time. Regardless of the fact that I can't understand or sometimes even answer the most basic questions about the logic or theory behind it all I have faith.If that's blind faith then frankly I don't care. I have a friend that is functionally illiterate. He can't grasp even the most basic mathmatical or scientific threories. But God is real to him.Does the fact that we don't understand these things make our faith ridiculous and negate it?
If we can't trust emotions then how will anyone ever fall in love? Stay in love? If emotions are manipulating our lives then what's the point have having them? Because we can choose to turn them off. I did for years and years and that was a living death that I can't live through again, I barely made it out alive the first time.Jesus literally saved my life. Literally removed the razor from my wrist. Because I can't prove he exist is irrelevant to me, because I'm still alive and that's damn near all the proof I need.But still I'm troubled, wondering if that's enough to other people, then hating that I care if it is.

1 comment:

MCAC said...

I can't prove he exists, I can prove he doesn't, and neither can they.

Faith is just what it means, it's faith.

Scientists are too closed minded to realize that science and religion state the same things, scientists just try to put human standards into the beginning, and no one was there to measure anything.

I firmly believe they can't prove their theories anymore than I can't prove mine. I just have something to believe in.