
Legalism vs. Love

So I'm going to see Rob Bell tomorrow in Cleveland. The tour is called, "The Gods aren't Angry". I'm not sure what's going on particularly, but there are groups of people that are protesting the talks and saying that whoever listens to Rob Bell is going to hell. I'm going to meet up with Mel and Ang from DMF in Cleveland (and Jake holla!) to go see him. Of course, that means we're discussing things on ye olde forum.
I got to talking with Ang about it, talking about legalism vs love. I'm not sure how to go about this without having to give a whole lot of background....According to the protesters Rob is preaching a message of universalism..
--- the doctrine that emphasizes the universal fatherhood of God and the final salvation of all souls.

(Thanks dictionary.com)
Doesn't sound so bad right? Well in this link:

it shows the guys protesting outside one of his events.

So legalism is:
----the doctrine that salvation is gained through good works.

(Thanks again dictionary.com)
Now there are a few things that I believe off the bat that may help you understand where I'm coming from.
I believe:
That God created everything

Sin entered the world and man is inherently sinful
God was brokenhearted by his people's continual rejection of him
God sent his Son Jesus to die for the sole purpose of reconciling us back to a creator that longed for relation with his people.
The gift of Jesus on the cross to people is a representation of grace. We have done and can do nothing to earn it, the ground at the foot of the cross, at the entrance to heaven is level ground.
A sin is a sin is a sin. Murder, lying, adultery, all the same. God despises sin all the same and desires for everyone to be in relationship with him no matter how big, or small their sin is.
OK, that's a very watered down version but you get the point.
Legalism can tell you that if you aren't *example* then you won't get into heaven. Legalism tells you that if you don't do *example* you won't get into heaven.
To me, severe legalism completely takes away the necessity of Jesus, which makes my heart hurt. My interpretation of severe legalism makes a savior completely unnecessary because we can get ourselves into heaven so who needs a Savior right?
I get that there are "laws" in a loose sense of the word. I understand that there are black and white issues in which Jesus spoke out and said this is sin, this is wrong, this is unacceptable in the sight of God. Those should be adhered to. But we are broken, selfish, and damaged people. I know that pre-marital sex is wrong, but I've had it. Does that mean I'm forever doomed to go to hell? In my mind, no. I've repented. I've confessed to Jesus and repented.
to feel such sorrow for sin or fault as to be disposed to change one's life for the better; be penitent.
(and dictionary.com for the win again!)
I've lied, I've stolen, I've cheated, I've lusted, I've *any number of other examples*
Jesus still loves me. Jesus still chases after me in any number of ways every single day of my life, every single moment. He chases after you too.
So there is a place for "legalism" (for lack of a better word)
But when people get caught up in legalism, they can and do often lose sight of the love. Jesus said above all else LOVE. That doesn't mean condone, that doesn't mean turn a blind eye. That means that while you're rebuking someone, while your correction or convicting someone, while your sharing with someone these "laws" that should be adhered to to live a life that honors God, don't forget to love them.
To often we can get so caught up in being right that we end up being wrong. Don't forget to show the compassion, grace, love, respect to others that you so need to have shown to you.
People will screw up. People will let you down, people will lie, cheat, steal, break your heart, kick you when you're down. But getting even, not the answer. Shutting down and withdrawing into a reclusive shell, not the answer. Oh, don't get me wrong it's my gut reaction too, just read back a few weeks ago at my posts.
Don't get so caught up in following the letter of the law and holding people to a standard that you can't even keep and forget to love them.

I don't know what heaven is like, or what it will look like, or if I'll be asked specific questions. But I'm pretty sure if I am asked questions, Jesus isn't going to say, "Hey Bethany, when you were my follower, how often were you right?" If anything, I think that question would be, "Hey Bethany, when you were my follower, how often did you love, how often did you feed the hungry, clothe the naked, comfort the disturbed?"
Being right often looks different then what we think it should, and sometimes the opposite of what we expect to.
But above all else, love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Watered down or not, you hit the nail on the head!!!
I can't wait to read your first book!
And I want a signed copy damn it!!!