October 1 Government shut down jokes and remarkably accurate economics conversation successfully participated in
October 2 Dinner and Orange Leaf with Stacey. Also, Pete's home from vacation!
October 3 1st night of small group with some of my favorite ladies
October 4 Zach having no idea about the movie "Pretty Woman"
October 5 Make all the signs!
October 6 Little Miami was wet and muddy but it was fun cheering Amber on!
October 7 Straight home from work and Mario Karting
October 8 Therapy, oh blessed therapy
October 9 Pete trying to figure out how to train cats
October 10 Nice conversations with friends encouraging them to be brave
October 11 I went to bed early and slept 10 hours
October 12 Laying like broccoli
October 13 Dinner and games with Alexis, Ryan and Jacob
October 14 Car professionally detailed. So clean and shiny!
October 15 Long drive with Sharen and Matthew includes weather report videos and secret roadtrips to surprise family
October 16 Nice time visiting with Aunt Cathy and Casey and doing a paying party switcheroo at the hotel without Mom and Dad knowing
October 17 Small group and comfy pants
October 18 Packing up Stacey
October 19 Matthew's Special Day!
October 20 Movie Double Feature and Dewey's Pizza (and some freaking out about pirates)
October 21 Realizing I get to move home sooner than I thought from dog sitting this coming weekend.
October 22 Dinner and hangout time with Claire!
October 23 Flashback to YSU days thanks to some Janet Jackson albums on shuffle all day long
October 24 Small group with some lovely people
October 25 Gorging on Season 2 of Newsroom at the dog sitting house
October 26 Clean all the things! Dinner and hanging out with Stacey and Matthew
October 27 Decided on a day bed to buy and finally finish up the 3rd bedroom!
October 28 "Of course you don't care for living with roommates. You haven't found the right one yet"
October 29 Packing round 1, way too many things!
October 30 Packing final round, success! Also, a wonderful run of victory in Mario
October 31 We successfully held off eating ALL THE CANDY until the kids arrived to demand it from us for free. Las Vegas Eve!