Hey! I'm going to start doing good things again!
July1 Dinner with Alexis and afternoons in the pool
July2 Josh Garrells!
July3 Sleeping in after a late night
July4 Middle of the week day off!
July5 Fun Growth Tracks meeting for church despite massive earache
July6 Awesome supervisor who felt pity for me and sent me home at 1030 where I promptly slept all afternoon. Also, Amber vacuuming my whole house wins the friend award
July7 Jake & Cody are here! Somali Pirate attacks in the pool and Melmac is just past Uranus
July8 Heard the where we've come from where we're going from Ben & Greg about 4 Corners and was so moved at how God has changed so many lives through our church
July9 Drink your juice, Shelby
July10 Mario Kart with Pete before a long weekend away from home
July11 Cable at the dog-sitting house!
July12 Finally finished a book I've been hacking away at. It was worth it.
July13 Dog park & ice cream with Sharen
July14 Saw old friends at the funeral of the father of a near & dear childhood friend. Also, wondering if Amish road side stands take credit cards
July15 Sleeping in my own bed! At least for a few nights.
July16 Mario Kart & getting caught up at work
July17 Girlfriends Night Out & wandering down memory lane without cracks widening in my heart
July18 Don't make me I6 you! Fun night with some of the admin team for Growth Tracks
July19 Dog sitting house with cable! Gorging on HGTV
July20 Last Friday working for a couple of weeks!
July21 Working on Saturday stinks, but I got more work done in 3 hours than 8 on Friday
July22 Sunday afternoon nap and time in the pool
July23 Silly laughing with Pete at overly dramatic video clips during a seminar thing
July24 Sleeping in is my favorite
July25 Stayed up into the early houra in bed with my legs propped up on the wall finishing a book. Haven't done that in awhile
July26 Birthday Eve!
July27 Relaxing day in the pool drinking & napping
July28 Mom & Dad are in town
July29 Good church & some honesty about something I'd never let myself see before
July30 Cleaned out the contacts in my phone. Deleting some people was really cathartic
July31 Straight home from work!